Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas

since it's christmas, ni cupcake yg kita dpt...

oh well, takkan nak tayang jer kan? benda cute betol...

takper lah eh.. AKU NGAP DULU!!!!

today was my first christmas party with them... we had food (catered from Stamford Catering, halal lah!)...

first we had door gifts...

it was a CD wallet, a 4-in-1 pen and a set of permanent CD markers.

we also had lucky draw... i got this -

it's a Swiss Army Victorinox sling bag (great for me new laptop!)..
The first prize for the lucky draw was tickets to Hong Kong for 2. gerek kan?

and of cos, not forgetting the christmas gifts...
it nvr came across my mind that i will be getting these... hahahha..

there's a Pregnancy Test Kit, A pack of Condoms (Durex! i loike~! hahahaha... kan M2 and Katak? Durex's our trusted brand...) and the pink thingy is a Shower Radio..

kecoh kan??? hahahaha...
anyway to those celebrating, Merry Christmas! as for me.. me enjoying the sweet treats and SALE bargains that christmas has to offer...


towards the end...

Date: 21/12/2006
Location: Office

it was a fooking warm day in the office yesterday... it was warm, then it became hot then it became stuffy and humid.. all becos the aircon for the whole building was down.. we cant open up the windows cos they were shut for security reasons (we are afterall on the 18th floor)

we were unable to work in peace without having sweat trickling down our neck/forehead etc... damn weak.. no way we could work.. so we resorted to going for a 2-hr lunch all the way to West Coast McDonald's where it was much much cooler and better...

by the time we came back to the office, it was warmer and much much stuffier... fook! we are so damn irritated... so me and my senior went around looking for ideas to keep cool... so this is THE WAY to do it yah...

p.s. dun try this at home yah... just dun..

Friday, December 08, 2006

she's ONE tomorrow

my baby's turning one tomorrow..
it's soooo fast... can't believe my baby's all grown up and all so pwetty... and cheeky too..

still can recall that during this day last year(08/12/2005) at this time(read: 1515hrs), i was in the hospital with my gynae... she checked me and said that im to be induced... well in goes the pill and i was pushed to the labour ward and wait...

after 24 hrs of labour, my darling princess is out... while baba tgh azankan dia, mam tgh mcm merlion pat katil, muntah2...

all that pain was worth it all for this bundle of joy... she is a crowd-pleaser and a manja baby at the same time...

Thank you Allah, for giving her to us and making our family whole... Alhamdulillah syukran for the health and happiness that you have bestowed to our family as well..

She is a smart baby... coming from the 2000 era... these kiddos do things that you can nvr imagine...

these are achievements within her one year of development -

1> she had her tooth growing only at 8mths... now ada 2 pat bawah and 2 pat atas, tapi yg pat atas tu bukan pat tgh, tapi pat tepi sebelah kanan.. pelik kan?!

2> she calls out for her baba 'Ba!' and calls out for her grandpa 'Bak!'. calls nenek 'Nyek!' and calls her mama, 'Ma!' or 'MeMeh!'

3> she knows how to apply bedak using the one with the powder duster tu... tapi dia pakai bedak pat kepala...hehehe..

4> dah pandai panjat kerusi sofa pat hall tu then sit down quietly to eat her kueh...

5> can say NANAK when she dun wants.. and shakes her head whenever the elders tell her cannot... after geleng kepala, dia tak kacau benda tu lagi...

6> once in a while IF U R LUCKY, u can hear her say APERJEr super fast... hehe.. my MIL dah kena..

7> she will dance to songs and she will make mama dance with her...

8> bila dtg mood tak baik, she will push mama or nenek away from the dapur and sit with her in the living room...

9> she can climb down the bed on her own..

10> at 3mths, she can do her muncung whenever we say bushuk ah...

11> whenever we ask 'iffah mana?' she will pat her chest and smile...

12> she will squint her eyes and show her bogeh smile when we ask her for her uka cantik...

13> she will kentot and laugh out loud.. hmmm.. ni ikut pesen saper eh??

14> she will automatically reach her hand out to salam when we say assalamualaikum...

well.. there's loads more stuffs to talk about my darling but i dun wana bore you pple down.. for those who have hands-on experience with her will understand better.. hehe..

mama just wanna HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! may Allah bless you with good health and prosperity in life... mama and baba are proud to have you... MUAHZ!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

it's in the blood...

Di mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi... chebah!!!

was out with B and pwincess for a perjumpaan with the boys.. it's their 11th anniversary... ada mkn2 sikit... so they gathered pat CC... after mkn2, we went up and they sembang2.. pwincess was playing around with the many musical intruments that were lying around...

i was playing with her, minding our business - in a world of our own... taught her to hit the bongo.. all of the sudden, all were quiet... then one of boys said..

'Eh korang diam eh! jgn kacau.. mama dia tgh turunkan skill tu...'

siak betol... my baby was having a blast of a time playing the bongo and then, she went to her baba and played the tambourine while they were having a jamming session... knowing how loud the boys were, pwincess did not even cry... she was in fact laughing and clapping along with them...

so i guess... it is true... it is in the blood huh?

updates updates

Date: 29th Nov 2006
Time: 1900hrs
Location: Hanabi Japanese Restaurant, Odeon Towers

Was there with the E(eugene) and I(ivy akak amoi) of the EVIL gang.. dun ask abt what happen to the V.
had sushi and loads of sashimi.. damn good sak.. damn great difference from Sakae Sushi... D! we go one day k.. MUST TRY!
had alot of laughing and catching up... damn good...

was actually having toothaches since weeks ago but endured it.. especially for the Hanabi dinner date..
came home with thumping pains on the left cheek.. cannot tahan liao.. must.pull.out.that.DARN.tooth.


Date: 30th Nov 2006
Time: 0905hrs
Location: Royce Dental Clinic, GM

Dentist said very bad liao.. either pull out today or wait.. but he confirm that within one week, i sure go back to him and beg him to pull the tooth out.
dari buang masa and pikiran tahan sakit, baik aku cabut ajer kan? so i did. went for x-ray, had my gums injected to numb it. aku ingat lagi, dia drill lah, dia tarik lah, dia hentak sikit lah.. semua aku tahan jer... and 30 minutes later, wisdom tooth out. BESAR SIOL! dentist ckp wisdom tooth tu lagi besar dari gigi molar yg lain.. sbb tu susah nak kluar.. iskh..

abeh dia kasi bawak balik gigi tu.. aku tgk benda tu, ada sisa gusi aku yg berdarah.. hehehe.. geli... aku sempat tunjuk kan pada B dgn mak..
B buat muka geli... then suruh buang.. hehehehe.. baru ingat nak buat tangkal..ahahaha.. oh yah.. dpt 5 hari MC...

lepas 3 jam gitu... ubat lali tu ilang... dah start lah rasa sakit.. sampai nangis2 aku.. B usap2 jer rambut aku... takleh nak buat apa... takkan nak letak minyak bubut lak kan?? si pwincess lak kejap2 masuk bilik and naik katil, sbb nak memain dgn mama... bila dia nampak aku diam jer, dia dtg pat aku abh dia kish aku pat pipi... so shweett... lepas tu dia sengeh then lean her head back right on my left cheek... sakit betol!!!

doc ckp must be on liquid food for the next few days.. sakit peh pasal, aku tak mkn for the whole day on thursday...
abeh the next day mak aku masak nasi beriani bombay lak... bau merebak siolz... perut aku main tabla, otak memanggil2 nasi beriani tu...
aku sebat jer nasi beriani tu... sakit tu sakit jgk, tapi mkn peh pasal... aku sebat ajer semua.. heheh..


skarang aku dah baik... dah mcm2 aku kunyah... mula kunyah sebelah kanan jer.. lama kelamaan kepenatan... so aku lantak jer kunyak pat kiri..
mula2 sakit, tapi aku cekalkan hati... heheheh...
aku mkn murtabak ayam, mkn ayam goreng, mkn chewing gum lagi.. =p

bila aku balik ofis, semua menanya.. ok tak? sakit tak?
kalau tak sakit, takkan sampai kena MC 5 hari kan???
abeh lagi satu legong ni tanya, so now u're less wiser lah since you pulled out one of your wisdom tooth?
iskh.. aku dah agak dah.. mesti soalan LAME ni kluar..
jadi aku jawab jer lah...
My Wisdom lies NOT in my tooth... it's in ME lah dey!


besok aku kena pi dentist tu balik to bukak stitches yg maseh pat gusi aku ni..
it's irritating to have some loose thread that is stuck on the gums and you cant pull it out...
aku asyik buat main jer benang tu dgn lidah aku... hmmm.. not good...

jadi barang sesaper yg nak cabot gigi bongsu tu, abeh nak tau mcm mana perasan nyer... tanya aku k...
nanti aku kasi tau pat korang each and every single detail...