it's in the blood...
Di mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi... chebah!!!
was out with B and pwincess for a perjumpaan with the boys.. it's their 11th anniversary... ada mkn2 sikit... so they gathered pat CC... after mkn2, we went up and they sembang2.. pwincess was playing around with the many musical intruments that were lying around...
i was playing with her, minding our business - in a world of our own... taught her to hit the bongo.. all of the sudden, all were quiet... then one of boys said..
'Eh korang diam eh! jgn kacau.. mama dia tgh turunkan skill tu...'
siak betol... my baby was having a blast of a time playing the bongo and then, she went to her baba and played the tambourine while they were having a jamming session... knowing how loud the boys were, pwincess did not even cry... she was in fact laughing and clapping along with them...
so i guess... it is true... it is in the blood huh?
hmm.. blaja tambourine ek? bagui. leh jadi frontmen. nyanyi sodap2 k? jgn jadi mcm mak nye.. nyanyi sumbang. tu sebab stuck main rebana jek. muahahaha
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:52 PM
hehe.. a ah eh.. idea sak..
biar nyanyi.. jgn stuck mcm mama..
asyik kena marah jek main rebana..
siolz ko zal..
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:28 PM