she's ONE tomorrow
my baby's turning one tomorrow..
it's soooo fast... can't believe my baby's all grown up and all so pwetty... and cheeky too..
still can recall that during this day last year(08/12/2005) at this time(read: 1515hrs), i was in the hospital with my gynae... she checked me and said that im to be induced... well in goes the pill and i was pushed to the labour ward and wait...
after 24 hrs of labour, my darling princess is out... while baba tgh azankan dia, mam tgh mcm merlion pat katil, muntah2...
all that pain was worth it all for this bundle of joy... she is a crowd-pleaser and a manja baby at the same time...
Thank you Allah, for giving her to us and making our family whole... Alhamdulillah syukran for the health and happiness that you have bestowed to our family as well..
She is a smart baby... coming from the 2000 era... these kiddos do things that you can nvr imagine...
these are achievements within her one year of development -
1> she had her tooth growing only at 8mths... now ada 2 pat bawah and 2 pat atas, tapi yg pat atas tu bukan pat tgh, tapi pat tepi sebelah kanan.. pelik kan?!
2> she calls out for her baba 'Ba!' and calls out for her grandpa 'Bak!'. calls nenek 'Nyek!' and calls her mama, 'Ma!' or 'MeMeh!'
3> she knows how to apply bedak using the one with the powder duster tu... tapi dia pakai bedak pat kepala...hehehe..
4> dah pandai panjat kerusi sofa pat hall tu then sit down quietly to eat her kueh...
5> can say NANAK when she dun wants.. and shakes her head whenever the elders tell her cannot... after geleng kepala, dia tak kacau benda tu lagi...
6> once in a while IF U R LUCKY, u can hear her say APERJEr super fast... hehe.. my MIL dah kena..
7> she will dance to songs and she will make mama dance with her...
8> bila dtg mood tak baik, she will push mama or nenek away from the dapur and sit with her in the living room...
9> she can climb down the bed on her own..
10> at 3mths, she can do her muncung whenever we say bushuk ah...
11> whenever we ask 'iffah mana?' she will pat her chest and smile...
12> she will squint her eyes and show her bogeh smile when we ask her for her uka cantik...
13> she will kentot and laugh out loud.. hmmm.. ni ikut pesen saper eh??
14> she will automatically reach her hand out to salam when we say assalamualaikum...
well.. there's loads more stuffs to talk about my darling but i dun wana bore you pple down.. for those who have hands-on experience with her will understand better.. hehe..
mama just wanna HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! may Allah bless you with good health and prosperity in life... mama and baba are proud to have you... MUAHZ!
Yeah, my fav baby dah 1 yr old.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:25 AM
thanks wargix...
Posted by
BiG MoMMa |
1:28 PM