salam lebaran

after so many years, this is the first time that im still not asleep at this time (timecheck: 0241hrs) since the past few years, i would already be in slumberland.. but this year, my eyes refuse to succumb to the 'panggilan bantal'.. that's y im here lah..
this will be the first time im gonna celebrate raya as a mother.. the whole family, that means me, B and pwincess will don our baju raya.. i wonder how my mak-nenk is gona look like.. haha.. i cant promise pictures but i'll try..
ok enuf of crap..
the main motive of me blogging is to wish all my friends, far or near, and whoever is reading this humble blog of mine, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin. walaupun ni dari alam siber, niat aku tulus dan ikhlas. Lagi2 untuk temanĀ² yg tak dpt bersua muka..
also, buat Ds and membersĀ² yg lain, insya Allah kita berjumpa Raya ni..
Salam Sayang,
Big Momma