love it or hate it..we still got to do it
like wat monyotmommy say abt how we can actually tolerate being in this shithole is true. we have each other's antics to entertain and laff at.. hehe..
from the so so so newbie to the operator to the gigola [a.k.a auntie killer]...
from the description that monyotmommy has abt the so so so guy, they have long tolerated him. she always get super duper irritated by him, cos she's the nearest seat to him. one thing abt this guy is that he NEVER follow instructions properly. when we ask him to correct his mistakes, he will start defending himself. i mean, y would u defend urself when ur mistakes are so clear??
anyway monyotmommy got so pissed today, only to receive an advice from katak -
<< bila aku suruh dia make the changes, dia senyap jer.kalau dia cakap lagi, kau terus buat mcm gini:
"So so so Willy so so so just do as I say so so so No error will generate so so so Aaron and so so so Din so so so will not KILL you if you don't stop with your so so so so" >>
i pity monyotmommy cos she got to really practise tolerance with our colleagues.. u c, our team should NOT have anyone who just answer calls and pass msg like an operator does, but one of our kolig, J does that. this is monyotmommy's reaction when J does her operator job on her.
<<Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee darah aku dah menyirap, mengoren, mengordial, mengejus apa lagi ntah ...
*((@^*& ^$)#@^$**@&)(#*_@()&$(*@$&*^#$&*^)$^(#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>
hehe! ada ke patut menyirap, mengejus smua kluar? tak pernah aku dgr sak! klasik!
*clap clap clap* hahaha
as for me, i had to tolerate with a user who probably has a fetish for the name Lina.
>me: wat's ur userID?
>user: GPATSC lina.
>me: mr teo sxxx cxxxx?
>user: yes lina.
>me: wats wrg mr teo?
>user: i cannot log in lina. my account locked out lina.
>me: ok let me unlock for u
>user: ok lina. thank u lina.
>me: ok mr teo account unlocked already
>user: ok lina. thank u so much lina.
i bet he loves the name LINA to the max sak..
so its not so bad after all, right? with all the different encounters we have everyday, it aint so bad.. we just have to keep entertaining each other..dats all.
hope the day when we start shooting at each other for the users' stupidity wont come. EVER.
from the so so so newbie to the operator to the gigola [a.k.a auntie killer]...
from the description that monyotmommy has abt the so so so guy, they have long tolerated him. she always get super duper irritated by him, cos she's the nearest seat to him. one thing abt this guy is that he NEVER follow instructions properly. when we ask him to correct his mistakes, he will start defending himself. i mean, y would u defend urself when ur mistakes are so clear??
anyway monyotmommy got so pissed today, only to receive an advice from katak -
<< bila aku suruh dia make the changes, dia senyap jer.kalau dia cakap lagi, kau terus buat mcm gini:
"So so so Willy so so so just do as I say so so so No error will generate so so so Aaron and so so so Din so so so will not KILL you if you don't stop with your so so so so" >>
i pity monyotmommy cos she got to really practise tolerance with our colleagues.. u c, our team should NOT have anyone who just answer calls and pass msg like an operator does, but one of our kolig, J does that. this is monyotmommy's reaction when J does her operator job on her.
<<Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee darah aku dah menyirap, mengoren, mengordial, mengejus apa lagi ntah ...
*((@^*& ^$)#@^$**@&)(#*_@()&$(*@$&*^#$&*^)$^(#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>
hehe! ada ke patut menyirap, mengejus smua kluar? tak pernah aku dgr sak! klasik!
*clap clap clap* hahaha
as for me, i had to tolerate with a user who probably has a fetish for the name Lina.
>me: wat's ur userID?
>user: GPATSC lina.
>me: mr teo sxxx cxxxx?
>user: yes lina.
>me: wats wrg mr teo?
>user: i cannot log in lina. my account locked out lina.
>me: ok let me unlock for u
>user: ok lina. thank u lina.
>me: ok mr teo account unlocked already
>user: ok lina. thank u so much lina.
i bet he loves the name LINA to the max sak..
so its not so bad after all, right? with all the different encounters we have everyday, it aint so bad.. we just have to keep entertaining each other..dats all.
hope the day when we start shooting at each other for the users' stupidity wont come. EVER.
hahahahaha! Kau nya tu cute! Kalau aku dah ketawa kat situ jugak dgn tu user sak! Kekekekeke
Posted by
iDa |
10:23 PM
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:28 AM