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tech support anyone?

today's ongoings in momma's tech support team..

Tech. Support A:
siallah!! this blardy CLERK asking me y is there a need for a script in the server? whats the purpose of the script? can she have blacknwhite on why script was implemented..
nabeh.. padahal problem dah takda sak!
darah naik!

Tech. Support B:
bilang dia, dia pun ada routine script kat umah per.
atas katil, isap.telan.mandi.tidur. besok pagi, gi kerja balik.

hehe.. go figure the actual meaning of that reply k..


Tech. Support Lead:
SM wants me to inform everyone, including myself... that lunch should be strictly 1 hour only. Cannot be a minute more than an hour...
She will discipline those who do not comply.....

Tech. Support B:
army regimentation already lar

Tech. Support A:
maybe we should install bells to indicate time for recess and end of recess..


so tell me, should i be pissed or should i be pissed?
lucky for me, the team is much better now..
worth helping out..
and with the crazy koligs im working with, at times, come to think of it, its really worth the amount of sins i have for cursing and swearing at work everyday..

so, tech support in my team, anyone?