wat the...
Incident 1:
2 cabs were called. one for the cumi-cumi and the 2 sotongs, and the other for the gorgeous ladies.
Cab A arrived 1st for the cumi-cumi and gang, but they had to be late thus causing the cab driver to leave without them.
Cab B came along and cumi-cumi and his gang conveniently took the cab that was meant for the ladies.
Due to that, the ladies were stranded waiting for a cab for more than an hour.
Upon reaching the same destination as the cumi-cumi and 2 sotongs, cumi-cumi said 'Asal korang lambat ah?'
P.S to Cumi-Cumi: u ought to be placed in a jar and made into pickles and exported to Nepal.
Incident 2:
One glance to the left... 'Oh its Mr K'...
Next glance to the right... 'Oh its Mr Sissy'...
Looked down at Mr Sissy.. oh socks... eh wait! wats that print on the socks?
looks like a cat.. hmm.. strained eyes to confirm.. confirm..
Sissy with Pussy on socks..
Went to fetch PIL early in the morning as they wanted to accompany us. Pwincess was getting her jab and i was thanking GOd for letting them follow.
Why? Cos at least my MIL could hold Pwincess when the doc jabs her.
U see, i became weak-hearted whenever Pwincess got to go under the needle.
Even when we sent her for sunat, Mom was the one who held her, not me..
MIL teased me of being hopeless when it comes to this kinda things. Well, i dun care lah. I just cant bear to see her being poked etc..
Amazingly, Pwincess didn't cry.. not a single bit.. So proud of her.
In fact, she was smiling and goo-gaa-gaa-ing most the time..
Next appointment's gonna b in 2mth's time.. n NO! im still not gonna hold her when she gets her jab. Baba's gonna have the honours. hehe...
2 cabs were called. one for the cumi-cumi and the 2 sotongs, and the other for the gorgeous ladies.
Cab A arrived 1st for the cumi-cumi and gang, but they had to be late thus causing the cab driver to leave without them.
Cab B came along and cumi-cumi and his gang conveniently took the cab that was meant for the ladies.
Due to that, the ladies were stranded waiting for a cab for more than an hour.
Upon reaching the same destination as the cumi-cumi and 2 sotongs, cumi-cumi said 'Asal korang lambat ah?'
P.S to Cumi-Cumi: u ought to be placed in a jar and made into pickles and exported to Nepal.
Incident 2:
One glance to the left... 'Oh its Mr K'...
Next glance to the right... 'Oh its Mr Sissy'...
Looked down at Mr Sissy.. oh socks... eh wait! wats that print on the socks?
looks like a cat.. hmm.. strained eyes to confirm.. confirm..
Sissy with Pussy on socks..
Went to fetch PIL early in the morning as they wanted to accompany us. Pwincess was getting her jab and i was thanking GOd for letting them follow.
Why? Cos at least my MIL could hold Pwincess when the doc jabs her.
U see, i became weak-hearted whenever Pwincess got to go under the needle.
Even when we sent her for sunat, Mom was the one who held her, not me..
MIL teased me of being hopeless when it comes to this kinda things. Well, i dun care lah. I just cant bear to see her being poked etc..
Amazingly, Pwincess didn't cry.. not a single bit.. So proud of her.
In fact, she was smiling and goo-gaa-gaa-ing most the time..
Next appointment's gonna b in 2mth's time.. n NO! im still not gonna hold her when she gets her jab. Baba's gonna have the honours. hehe...
Yeah..its the brave pwincess..
eh..panggil dia xena ah..
xena, the warrior pwincess..heheh
Posted by
ELAL Team |
6:47 PM
She..not its..
sheessh..sorry ah..migraine migraine
Posted by
ELAL Team |
6:48 PM
Sapa yg pakai pussy socks?
Posted by
iDa |
9:32 PM
Oii!! Kau cubit aku sampai lebam sak. Nak complain!! dah mcm kena BCG.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:58 PM
to sue: yeah babeh! me so proud of her lah..
to ida: si benny lah..
to cumi-cumi: mmg padan muka kau!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:44 AM