My Growing Pwincess
nothing much... just to show how fast my baby is growing *touchy mood*

this is her... supposedly on the fon lah tu... mimicking mama while on the fon with her baba...

and lastly, this is her... showing off her favourite thing to do... reading (read: play with books). hehe..
*sigh* my baby's growing up so fast... she's already walking and babbling in German, Spanish and whatever language you can think of... and in 17 days *gasps* she turns ONE!
Anak kau lagi cute dari kau lah. Hahaha
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:39 AM
hmm.. tapi aku tetap cute kan?? anak aku LAGI CUTe ajer pe.. hahahahahahaha
*damn! cheap thrill*
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:50 AM
I love her last picture. Sooooooooooo cute with that toothy smile! hehehehe ..
Dah besar anak2 kita ni eh. Cukup time masuk school. Lepas tu masuk pri sch. Ah part exam ni yg paling aku stress pasal dah kena exam.*faints*
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:54 PM