i have moved...
no no..
i have not moved to another new blog address..
i have moved from a being an avid NOKIA user to a noobie SE user.
hehe.. all because of the camera function and of cos, the data cable that comes TOGETHER with the packaging.
yes i know that the Nokia N series have all got data cable together in the package, but i was looking for a change. you know.. for the fun of it.
moreover, it was a birthday present from hubby to me...
hehe.. thank you for being SO THE VERY THE PATIENT with me...
u see, i was very very very fickle about the choices that i was spoilt with...
K800i, K610i, K7501, N73 (very sui camera!!)..
i didnt get the k800i, cos the price was still too steep...
didnt want the k610i, unless it was a RED one, but that SOMEONE will jeles.. hehe *winkz at ct*
the N73 was ok but i was attracted to SE phones...
so i finally decided on this new toy with a 2.0 camera with autofocus.
quite cool. hehe.. very happy...
the first thing i did when i got the fon was to take picture lor!
ahahaha.. my main models - my pwincess and my king lah.. who else..
kesian dorang kena paksa posing.. haha
anyway these are just some of the end results of my cam-whoring session with my new toy...

The king

the pwincess

the queen and pwincess and her bantal buchuk

and of cos, the king and queen
add-on: YUP! its a SE K750i!!! haha
i have not moved to another new blog address..
i have moved from a being an avid NOKIA user to a noobie SE user.
hehe.. all because of the camera function and of cos, the data cable that comes TOGETHER with the packaging.
yes i know that the Nokia N series have all got data cable together in the package, but i was looking for a change. you know.. for the fun of it.
moreover, it was a birthday present from hubby to me...
hehe.. thank you for being SO THE VERY THE PATIENT with me...
u see, i was very very very fickle about the choices that i was spoilt with...
K800i, K610i, K7501, N73 (very sui camera!!)..
i didnt get the k800i, cos the price was still too steep...
didnt want the k610i, unless it was a RED one, but that SOMEONE will jeles.. hehe *winkz at ct*
the N73 was ok but i was attracted to SE phones...
so i finally decided on this new toy with a 2.0 camera with autofocus.
quite cool. hehe.. very happy...
the first thing i did when i got the fon was to take picture lor!
ahahaha.. my main models - my pwincess and my king lah.. who else..
kesian dorang kena paksa posing.. haha
anyway these are just some of the end results of my cam-whoring session with my new toy...

The king

the pwincess

the queen and pwincess and her bantal buchuk

and of cos, the king and queen
add-on: YUP! its a SE K750i!!! haha
asal pulak hp ko yg pelacurnya? okie aku blur.. :p
ker..ko nak advertise yg ko slalu tukar2 hp?
Posted by
ELAL Team |
9:54 AM
Hahahaha .. ko pun dah tergoda masuk kelompok SE? K750i is super good. So good sampaikan hubby akunya K750I got pocketed hehe. Now aku tgh pikir nak belikan dia K800I ke tak .. sekali father in law aku plak yang beli K800i seh hehehe.
So now I expect more pictures aaahh
Posted by
iDa |
3:33 PM