happy one month!
tomorrow marks the ONE MONTH for me working here in this company.
It has been a blast.. both fun, challenging and loads of other stuffs..
i can proudly say that i have achieved quite alot.
knowing that i hate deadlines, i managed to complete loads of stuffs even before the deadline arrives.
well dat only applies for those important documents lah.. for those reemeh temeh ones, aku lengah lengah jer.. hehehe.. selective attention..
anyway thanks for different suggestions on what to teach the french angmoh..
hehehe.. he did learn afew new words.. but he uses 'babi u' almost everyday..
apa ke tidak, he uses it to greet my senior.. oppss! hahaha! aint my fault..
and just the other day, he just admitted to have written down the word on a paper and pasting it on his table.. hehehe.. REALLY AINT MY FAULT HOR! *wicked smile*
he has learnt to say the word longkang.. sbb dat day kita pi bowling as a company function ah and i kept getting the damned ball in the longkang.. so i tot him that lah.. hehehe..
oh yah another word was BOLA.. hehehe.. we were playing ball in the office.. he asked how to say it in Malay..
then he turned to my senior and said 'hey babi U, catch the Bola!'
muahahahahahaha!!! lepak..
today he taught me how to say this - appuyez sur le bouton.
when he said that i made him repeat many many times and then my senior had to say something so stupid that it made me laff till i teared.
it is pronounced as 'ah-piyez sur ler bu ttong'(yg part ni korang kena sengaukan)
then my senior pronounced it as 'ahpwish suler butoh'!!
mcm sial kan!!! jahanam bahasa org tu..
and to make it worse, the french angmoh learnt a new word... yes u've guessed it - BUTOH. ok this one really NOT MY FAULT.. ni senior aku nyer salah..
so just in case u go out and u see a tall, idong mancung and rambut g.i grenchguy who happened to scold butoh.. that's my kolig k.. *wicked smile*
It has been a blast.. both fun, challenging and loads of other stuffs..
i can proudly say that i have achieved quite alot.
knowing that i hate deadlines, i managed to complete loads of stuffs even before the deadline arrives.
well dat only applies for those important documents lah.. for those reemeh temeh ones, aku lengah lengah jer.. hehehe.. selective attention..
anyway thanks for different suggestions on what to teach the french angmoh..
hehehe.. he did learn afew new words.. but he uses 'babi u' almost everyday..
apa ke tidak, he uses it to greet my senior.. oppss! hahaha! aint my fault..
and just the other day, he just admitted to have written down the word on a paper and pasting it on his table.. hehehe.. REALLY AINT MY FAULT HOR! *wicked smile*
he has learnt to say the word longkang.. sbb dat day kita pi bowling as a company function ah and i kept getting the damned ball in the longkang.. so i tot him that lah.. hehehe..
oh yah another word was BOLA.. hehehe.. we were playing ball in the office.. he asked how to say it in Malay..
then he turned to my senior and said 'hey babi U, catch the Bola!'
muahahahahahaha!!! lepak..
today he taught me how to say this - appuyez sur le bouton.
when he said that i made him repeat many many times and then my senior had to say something so stupid that it made me laff till i teared.
it is pronounced as 'ah-piyez sur ler bu ttong'(yg part ni korang kena sengaukan)
then my senior pronounced it as 'ahpwish suler butoh'!!
mcm sial kan!!! jahanam bahasa org tu..
and to make it worse, the french angmoh learnt a new word... yes u've guessed it - BUTOH. ok this one really NOT MY FAULT.. ni senior aku nyer salah..
so just in case u go out and u see a tall, idong mancung and rambut g.i grenchguy who happened to scold butoh.. that's my kolig k.. *wicked smile*
Posted by
ELAL Team |
9:24 AM
Best regards from NY! »
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:12 PM